Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holidays & Plants

We are about to approach the silly season when some of you  will pack up and head for the beach others will visit friends and love ones so what are you going to do about you plants, they are a little like your pets do you take them with you or do you leave someone to look after them?
Lets divide the plant into 2 locations, Indoors and out doors and lets talk about indoors to start with.
Yes you can stack them all into the bath and trust you don't drown some, Yes you can have that lovely neighbour pop in and water them. Now If you are like the average home owner with indoor plants you have probable killed a few by either over watering or under watering over the years and finally you have some that are doing well, are you really prepared to let some one else take over or as I said stack them in the bath.
What I want you do do is think seriously about what I call a brilliant product its called "A SMART POT"by Auto pot systems, This is a self Watering plant driven container that depending on the plant species, it can let you go away for weeks at a time and come home to thriving happy plants.
Now don't compare this with some sort of self watering trough container this is a plant driven concept which means your plant gets exactly what it requires not what you or your neighbour think it needs,
Take a look at this example.

My Peace Lilly in a Smart Pot

This container has 3 Lt. of water plus nutrient around the outer side of the container this feeds the plant through a wick controlled by a Smart -Valve which is controlled by the plant itself so no more over or under watering of indoor plants I never touch this plant just check that the container has water and if necessary top up
As for food I add between 1 to 2 ML per Lt. of A & B nutrient about every second fill.
This is the smaller of the series there are larger ones available.
Talking about larger if you are worrying about your large outdoor tubs you have while away all you need to install a "Smart Dripper" this will keep big tubs or special fruit trees in peek condition while you are away.
Now if you are using the Auto pot System for your Veggies all you need to do is make sure you have a big enough tank to last for the time you are away or connect a float that will top up in your absence.
Allways check for blockages and make sure everything is working as it should be for taking off and all wil be well.
If you want to know more about preparing for holiday getaways please drop me an Email  auto.group@optusnet.com.au

Hears what is happening in my back yard.
Zucchini 2nd crop.

Black Russian Tomato 
This is my second planting of this Tomato, the last one I had to destroy as it caught some disease that set it back. I have a policy if it's not doing well then it gets destroyed on the spot.

2nd Hybrid Cucumber covered in fruit

Asian Lettuce.
You often see the Asian Mix growing but this is a single variety which is doing well the pots on the right are actually just sitting on the Capillary table in spare pots.

Sweet Corn growing in recycled medium

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