Sunday, April 22, 2012

The forever Tomato

A few weeks back I mentioned about growing Tomatoes from cuttings well let me show you how that is progressing then I will explain again what I do.

Here is my cutting happily crowing in a pot on the Capillary table
taken some weeks back
Here is the same tomato fruiting up, it is still sitting on the capillary table.
This Tomato has been subjected to total neglect it has to drag its food up through the table so this is capillary action at its best.
The simple procedure is let one of the laterals that you normally pinch out grow to 3 to 4 inches cut it cleanly make a hole in the medium that you intend to pot it into carefully place it in the prepared hole don't push it in and damage the edges of the stem, you can use a rooting compound if you like I don't bother compress the medium around carefully, I also give a water in but don't over do it and just leave it alone. Don't let it dry out, or sit it in a container so it can draw up it moisture needs.
So if you have a really good tomato that you wish you had more of then just keep cloning it.
If you time your cuttings right you should have a continuous year round crop.

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