Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The 4 week test

You may remember I started an experiment in growing lettuce in a 12" single hydrotray as I had seen in a picture. At the time I planted the wrong variety but decided to see how they went and would judge each variety at the 4 week mark which is what it take with my normal planting in the window box.
 Iceberge lettuce in the 12' single pot no soil no medium
I have lifteed the Iceberg which was with no soil at all I have now replanted Butterhead by popping out of the punnet leaving the soil and root ball untouched and filling the water cup with Perlite/ Vermiculite 50/50 mix. At the end of the 4 week I will replace that with the Green mignonette.
4 weeks grown in drink cups

Lovely crisp lettuce but not as big or developed as my normal method

Butterhead now on the 4 week test untouched root ball and Perlite / Vic Mix
I will also trial butterhead with the no medium option as well to be fair to each variety.
Seedling and spare pots on the capsul table
Also this week I added a Caplus table to my Autopot Garden this will alow me to produce more of my own seedling so I am absolutly rapt.
The new table fits in the middle and is hooked up to the same system

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