Monday, October 17, 2011

On the table and Utilising Waist

I am so excited about my new Calpus table it will allow me to produce more of my own seed stock.
New hybrid capsicum and Tomato

Lettuce Plugs
I am impressed how well the plants grow on it, the roots draw to it in no time, if you look you can see them in the pictures. the last few days we have had continuous wind and the table has kept up with the vaporisation.
I often get asked about recycling my medium, I used to but have decided the results are not as good second time round unless you spend reasonable time leaching out the old nutrient. What I now do is dump into cheep 40 Lt containers with plenty of holes drilled in the bottom and grow my bulky things like potatoes, rock melons and such giving them a hand feed once a week when I do a mix other wise the get a good wet with the hose

Rock Melon in Waist Medium

Sweet Potato in Waist Medium

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The 4 week test

You may remember I started an experiment in growing lettuce in a 12" single hydrotray as I had seen in a picture. At the time I planted the wrong variety but decided to see how they went and would judge each variety at the 4 week mark which is what it take with my normal planting in the window box.
 Iceberge lettuce in the 12' single pot no soil no medium
I have lifteed the Iceberg which was with no soil at all I have now replanted Butterhead by popping out of the punnet leaving the soil and root ball untouched and filling the water cup with Perlite/ Vermiculite 50/50 mix. At the end of the 4 week I will replace that with the Green mignonette.
4 weeks grown in drink cups

Lovely crisp lettuce but not as big or developed as my normal method

Butterhead now on the 4 week test untouched root ball and Perlite / Vic Mix
I will also trial butterhead with the no medium option as well to be fair to each variety.
Seedling and spare pots on the capsul table
Also this week I added a Caplus table to my Autopot Garden this will alow me to produce more of my own seedling so I am absolutly rapt.
The new table fits in the middle and is hooked up to the same system

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Whats happening at my place

October is disappearing fast and the weather can't make up its mind but the garden is enjoying the odd cooler day but the extremes do play havoc with plants.
You will need to keep a watch on things like lettuce providing a bit of shade on the hot days or they will bolt as well as get brown around the out side edges of the leaves.

This week busy replanting the hanging baskets at a local school which highlights what you need to do re maintenance when you are re potting and replacing clean everything out thoroughly.

Otherwise things are racing along I can't eat the amount of food that I can produce so I think I will start taking the extra to the markets each weekend and give people a chance to taste real fresh food.

Hanging baskets ready to be scrubbed

Cleaned and turned ready to remove base to clean Smart-valve

Root sneak through and can upset the valve operation

Ready for replant when plants arrive.
Beetroot for summer

My purple Carrot experiment

I have already picked 3 off this

Snow peas coming into flower

Capsicum  going great

Moved my seedlings up to a bigger pot
My Lettuce experiment coming along OK.