Friday, May 27, 2011

The incredable SMART PUMP

I have just completed a beautification project at a local School that was ideal for the Autopot Smart pump
This incredible unit which is a freestanding 12 volt system that is very simple to set up, has enormous capabilities such as providing water and nutrient up to 10 Kilometers and to a rise of around 20 feet. As this project was a 100 meter walkway to do it as a gravity feed would have required a tank to be placed high up on the roof posing a challenge to replenish and being a school we need to think about the holiday periods and who was going to service it and keep an eye on supply.
The Smart Pump is connected direct to the rain water supply and automatically distributes the required nutrient supply from containers that will last many weeks so holidays will not be a worry just the occasional check to make sure all is well. This unit due to its capability's allows the School to plan any expansion they may desire in the future such as a vegetable garden as well as servicing existing garden beds making them almost maintenance free and drought resistant and at the same time being extremely water wise by the use of the Smart Valve Plant Driven System.
If I was planning a new Garden or landscaping a new property I would be planning the complete garden around the Autopot System supported by the incredible Smart Pump unit giving me total worry free gardening  producing the ultimate in growth with the most efficient use of my water supply.

And most importantly I can go away for weekends or holidays and always come home to the same garden I had on leaving not a dried up withered patch that normally happens.
Hanging baskets with cascading Petunias

The feed line had to pass up along this big RJ back to the Rain Tank.

The Smart Pump placed at the Rain Water Tank. 

A total of 18 baskets one at each support.

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